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Duck Season Somewhere

Mar 28, 2024

Anything can happen while duck hunting. Greer Smith probably isn't the only person the get stuck while hunting near Venice, Louisiana, but watching ducks fly overhead and wondering where they'd originated sent his life into a new orbit. "There's a growing need for awareness," says Greer, who grew up duck hunting in...

Mar 25, 2024

While growing up on a farm in rural Missouri, his dad had predicted he'd become a newspaper reporter. Probably because he intuitively knows the value of a story. Sure enough, Andrew McKean's colorful career eventually took him to Outdoor Life, where as the long-time hunting and conservation editor, he's drilled...

Mar 21, 2024

Between chasing waterfowl and promoting Voormi, my buddy Ryan Yarnell aka Tex aka Redbeard sees as much of North America through a truck windshield as I do each year. Every now again our paths cross and we even get to hunt ducks together. In between roadtrips, Yarnell and I catch up, talking about Voormi's new bibs and...

Mar 18, 2024

We all know duck habitat when we see it, but what do ducks "see"--how do our beloved mallards experience and utilize habitats at the landscale level before, during and after hunting season? Could understanding this make us more productive hunters, better habitat managers and long-time conservationsists? Nick...

Mar 14, 2024

How has hunting changed in the United States since yesteryear--and why? Whether private or public lands, is it as easy to gain access? And how does the increasingly non-hunting public view hunters and hunting? Award-winning writer, public speaker and recurring FOX News guest, Gabriella Hoffman and I race through a list...