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Duck Season Somewhere

Mar 14, 2024

How has hunting changed in the United States since yesteryear--and why? Whether private or public lands, is it as easy to gain access? And how does the increasingly non-hunting public view hunters and hunting? Award-winning writer, public speaker and recurring FOX News guest, Gabriella Hoffman and I race through a list of ongoing need-to-know topics from right here in our back yard: roadkill legislation, banning hunting dog events, how the famously publicized Hollywood Buck influences public perceptions, defunding hunter- and firearm-related wildlife management, using no-tox ammo and green energy to marginalize hunter access, net-zero agenda and much more. Is it a red versus blue state thing? Simply a sign of times, or by design? And what can you do about it? Listen, decide, and let us know your thoughts.


MOJO’s Duck Season Somewhere Podcast Sponsors:


MOJO Outdoors 

Benelli Shotguns

BOSS Shotshells

Ducks Unlimited 

Flash Back Decoys 

HuntProof Premium Waterfowl App

Inukshuk Professional Dog Food 

Tetra Hearing

Tom Beckbe




It really is duck season somewhere for 365 days per year. Follow Ramsey Russell's worldwide duck hunting adventures as he chases real duck hunting experiences year-round:

Instagram @ramseyrussellgetducks

YouTube @GetDucks



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