Oct 19, 2023
In 1899, the Tarpon Club in gulf-coastal Texas was the most expensive, expansive and exclusive club in the world, its membership dubbed the "First Four Hundred Sportsman of America," whose combined wealth reached into the hundred-millions. Or so said E.H.R. "Ned" Green, the one-legged, prostitute-loving son of the richest woman in the world. Texas historian Rob Sawyer describes the Tarpon Club and other exploits of one of the wealthiest and most accomplished historical American figures you've never heard of! Truth is way stranger than fiction!
Podcast Sponsors:
Benelli Shotguns https://www.benelliusa.com/shotguns/waterfowl-shotguns
BOSS Shotshells https://bossshotshells.com/
Ducks Unlimited https://www.ducks.org
Flash Back Decoys https://www.duckcreekdecoys.com/
HuntProof Premium Waterfowl App https://huntproof.app
Tetra Hearing https://tetrahearing.com/
Mojo Outdoors https://www.mojooutdoors.com/p
Tom Beckbe https://tombeckbe.com/
It really is duck season somewhere for 365 days per year. Follow Ramsey Russell's worldwide duck hunting adventures as he chases real duck hunting experiences year-round:
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