Feb 16, 2023
The decoy that revolutionized duck hunting is back and better than ever! Mojo's Terry Denmon gives the low-down on the New Mallard Mojo. There's been lots of spinning-winged decoy designs come down the pipe in the decades since their inception, but for those duck hunters that regularly use them - like me - the New Mojo Mallard is the cat daddy of them all. What proven features were modernized and combined with what new patent-pending technologies to perfect them? Tune in to find out!
Podcast Sponsors:
BOSS Shotshells https://bossshotshells.com/
Benelli Shotguns https://www.benelliusa.com/shotguns/waterfowl-shotguns
Tetra Hearing https://tetrahearing.com/
Ducks Unlimited https://www.ducks.org
Mojo Outdoors https://www.mojooutdoors.com/p
Tom Beckbe https://tombeckbe.com/
Flash Back Decoys https://www.duckcreekdecoys.com/
It really is duck season somewhere for 365 days per year. Follow Ramsey Russell's worldwide duck hunting adventures as he chases real duck hunting experiences year-round:
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