Apr 17, 2023
You'd about have to figure that "The Land of 10,000 Lakes" likely has tremendous waterfowl hunting history. It sure does! One hundred sixty years worth of duck club history and then some! Steve Knutson grew up an avid duck hunter in Otter Tail County, that has more lakes than any other county in the US. In today's episode, he takes us on a colorful tour of famous lakes, prominent yester-year waterfowlers, historic duck camps, far-reaching traditions, and the much sought-after ducks that shaped Minnesota's incredible duck hunting culture. Have things since changed?
“Minnesota Duck Camps: 160 Years of History and Tradition,” costs $85, plus $9 shipping and handling for the first copy and $4 for each additional copy. For ordering information, contact Knutson at (612) 816-5156, by email at svknutson@gmail.com,
Podcast Sponsors:
BOSS Shotshells https://bossshotshells.com/
Benelli Shotguns https://www.benelliusa.com/shotguns/waterfowl-shotguns
Tetra Hearing https://tetrahearing.com/
Ducks Unlimited https://www.ducks.org
Mojo Outdoors https://www.mojooutdoors.com/p
Tom Beckbe https://tombeckbe.com/
Flash Back Decoys https://www.duckcreekdecoys.com/
It really is duck season somewhere for 365 days per year. Follow Ramsey Russell's worldwide duck hunting adventures as he chases real duck hunting experiences year-round:
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