Dec 14, 2023
Building a world waterfowl collection--and we're talking everything--is a daunting challenge. But for hunter-scientist-curator Andy Englis, it's just another day at the office. Why the collection and its importance, sure, but among the other interesting topics covered are his close-as-a-speartip encounter with a head hunting tribe and longest duck penises in the world. The things you learn, huh?!
Recorded during a recent hunter-scientist-conservation effort in Australia. Special thanks to Safari Club International for supporting this project to conserve waterfowl and to ensure hunting in Australia and worldwide.
MOJO’s Duck Season Somewhere Podcast Sponsors:
HuntProof Premium Waterfowl App
Inukshuk Professional Dog Food
It really is duck season somewhere for 365 days per year. Follow Ramsey Russell's worldwide duck hunting adventures as he chases real duck hunting experiences year-round:
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