Nov 18, 2022
From ginormous Giants to mallard-sized cacklers, Canada Goose subspecies express tremendous size and color variability. Ever wondered why? Once lumped as 11 subspecies, they're now classified as 7 Canada Goose subspecies and 4 Cackler Goose subspecies--but it was once proposed that there be 200 subspecies! Confused? Don't be. Jim Leafloor is Head of Aquatic Unit for Environment and Climate Change Canada. A recognized authority, Leafloor's spent a considerable portion of his extensive career researching Canada geese and throws a million candle-power spotlight on the otherwise murky subject of Canada goose subspecies. We do a deep dive and you're bound to learn a thing or 3 about North America's most iconic goose.
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Mojo Outdoors
Tom Beckbe
Flash Back Decoys
It really is duck season somewhere for 365 days per year. Follow Ramsey Russell's worldwide duck hunting adventures as he chases real duck hunting experiences year-round:
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