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Duck Season Somewhere

Jun 29, 2020

In its present incarnation, gumbo is a combination of past and present, a delicious mixture of foolproof goodness in a pot. What constitutes "real gumbo" varies widely among regions, zipcodes, camps - even family members. But it's all good. Benny Marascalco was born and raised in the Mississippi Delta, a region that's as unique unto itself as roux. In today's episode of Duck Season Somewhere, he and Ramsey Russell catch up in a conversation that winds like Old Man River through a host of regional topics including duck hunting, habitat, beaver trapping, finding ancient arrowheads, and finally, Benny's long-time passion for making really great gumbo. Whether you've made gumbo for generations or just getting started, you're sure to enjoy today's conversation. 



Related Links:

Benny's Gumbo Fanatic Facebook Page

Benny's Gumbo Pages (20-plus years ago)



Episode Sponsors:

BOSS Shotshells

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