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Duck Season Somewhere

Aug 26, 2021

From his Riceland Custom Calls studio in Hayes, Louisiana, Bill Daniels tells Ramsey Russell and growing up, his early introductions into waterfowling and how he got started in the call making business. He shares his thoughts on recent hunting seasons and how specklebelly behavior seems to be changing. Besides waterfowl, Bill Daniels and Ramsey Russell also share a mutual passion for certain unique gamebird. Bill tells about the time he got invited to Russia to hunt over live decoys. Soft-spoken and modest, what he never even mentions are the countless awards that Riceland Custom Calls has earned in calling contests. 


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Podcast Sponsors:

BOSS Shotshells

Benelli Shotguns

Kanati Waterfowl Taxidermy

GunDog Outdoors

Mojo Outdoors

Tom Beckbe

Flash Back Decoys




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