Oct 25, 2023
For a week we crawled up Andes Mountains switchback trails and along Pacific Ocean estuaries while duck hunting in Peru, but were it not for our tour guides Raneiri and Dwight, it'd have ended right there. More than just a duck hunt, these two amazing young men were our cultural interpreters among indigenous high-altitude shepherd families, exhibition bullfights and cockfights, newly discovered ruins, and roadside alpaca skinnings and beachside cafes. In today's episode, they offer perspectives into these uniquely immersive Peru duck hunting experiences. Watch Life's Short GetDucks: Peru Duck Hunting at GetDucks YouTube Channel (link below).
Related Links:
>>> Life's Short GetDucks: Peru Duck Hunting Video (GetDucks YouTube Channel)
>>> Peru Duck Hunting (at GetDucks.com)
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Ducks Unlimited https://www.ducks.org
Flash Back Decoys https://www.duckcreekdecoys.com/
HuntProof Premium Waterfowl App https://huntproof.app
Tetra Hearing https://tetrahearing.com/
Tom Beckbe https://tombeckbe.com/
It really is duck season somewhere for 365 days per year. Follow Ramsey Russell's worldwide duck hunting adventures as he chases real duck hunting experiences year-round:
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