Jul 29, 2024
Public Service Announcement: Guides, outfitters, freelancers--everyone--traveling to hunt outside the United States need to be aware that new Center for Disease Control (CDC) rules change the requirements for importing your retriever back into the United States! Canada's the biggie. If you are bringing a dog to the...
Jul 25, 2024
Late July in the Deep South, it's hotter than hades and teal season is right around the corner. Where better to spend a fun weekend in the among your kind of people--duck hunters--than in the air conditioned halls of Baton Rouge's Raising Cane's River Event Center? The 3rd annual Delta Waterfowl Expo will be there...
Jul 22, 2024
A since-forever duck hunter himself, Casey Stemler is a hook-and-bullet biologist that spent decades working coast-to-coast throughout the upper echelons of US Fish and Wildlife Service, making tremendous contributions to wildlife conservation and habitat management via applied research and policy. Stemler paints a big...
Jul 18, 2024
Once upon a time, Stuttgart, Arkansas was the Rice and Duck Capital of the world, and--for sure--duck hunting traditions remain interwoven into Arkansas's cultural identity. Especially green headed ducks. Mallards. But continental mallard populations have declined 50% during the last decade or so. What now? Arkansas...
Jul 15, 2024
A hunter since way back when, Ronnie Richardson explains that it's not about killing, so much as it's about experiencing places. National Land Realty's CEO, Richardson's wealth of knowledge in recreational and investment properties was derived the old-fashioned way--by spending decades doing it well. And it's been these...