Feb 27, 2023
The world's a whole lot bigger than our own back yards, and about half-way around the world nestled right up against the Caspian Sea is Azerbaijan. Find it on a map. We all had to the first time. There are surprisingly long-standing duck hunting traditions. While there chasing unicorn duck species, there's no ignoring...
Feb 23, 2023
Coffee-colored water teaming with colorful, hard-fighting fish was just the tip of the iceberg. From a floating fishing camp smack in the middle of the Amazon jungle, Ramsey meets with Acute Angling's Harold Regis to discuss his amazing bucket-list fishing adventure.
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Feb 20, 2023
YOU'VE WON!!! Whopping 75% discount if you order today!!! Click Here to claim your prize! The list goes on and on and on. It's a sign of the times and social media platforms are the perfect environment - for fraud. And it's getting worse. Everyone's candidate for being scammed, and you don't have to be insta-famous for...
Feb 16, 2023
The decoy that revolutionized duck hunting is back and better than ever! Mojo's Terry Denmon gives the low-down on the New Mallard Mojo. There's been lots of spinning-winged decoy designs come down the pipe in the decades since their inception, but for those duck hunters that regularly use them - like me - the New...
Feb 13, 2023
Everything's BIG in Texas! Or so they say. But East Texas, duck hunting habitats are extremely narrow hardwood timber bottoms surrounded by an upland landscape predominated by pine and pecan plantations, cattle and pastures. Mallards are the name of the game. After hugging water oaks in shin-deep water for a...